Friday, September 7, 2007
In the immortal words of Homer J. Simpson, "WHOO HOO!".

DuClaw fans in Harford County, prepare to get your eat and drink on...

It will be 403 days since the fire. entirely too long, we know, but it will be worth the wait. New bar, new restaurant, new menu... the new DuClaw Bel Air. Thanks again for all of your loyalty and patience.
See you in 10 days!
Friday, August 31, 2007
We are preempting our scheduled blog entry on the hiring of the new staff to bring you breaking news…
This week, in a very special Bel Air blog update (cue the 1970’s ABC After School Special theme music)…
WE’RE HOME! The corporate staff has relocated from the mobile executive tiger cage/sweat box at the back of the parking lot (previously detailed in the “TRAILER PARK” entry) to our plush new offices above the restaurant. And there was much rejoicing.
Just like George and Weezie, we moved on up!

The place is alive with new staff orientation, finishing touches being added to the décor, and the familiar sound of the bar audio system providing a soundtrack to our work day. It’s like waking up and finding Patrick Duffy in the shower and knowing that the ****** nightmare that we’ve been sharing with all of you for the last year is almost over.
Worst... TV cop-out... EVER!

Still no date to report... OR IS THERE? Check back here at 3:00pm EST, 9/7/07 and find out if "TIME HAS COME TODAY...".
See you soon!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Actually, that’s a trick question. There are no curtains; the title of this blog entry is nothing but cheap titillation. There is, however, new carpet, new tile, new trim, new booths, new lighting fixtures and a new bar. We’d love to show you more, but that would ruin your first look during the grand re-opening. So for now, check out these not-too-revealing photos of the new DuClaw Bel Air.
The carpet in question. We decided to Berber now instead of Shag later.

We've got wood... den booths in the dining room.

This is a mosquito trapped in amber. In addition to the beer we're also making our own dinosaurs. Actually it's just a new light fixture but we haven't given up on the dinosaurs yet.

Goth wall art? Yep.

It's a "concrete" fact, you're all going to love the new bar.

Keep watching for a firm re-opening date coming soon, which, unfortunately, will now be sometime in SEPTEMBER. Yes, we said August last time, but the custom solid gold diamond studded name plates for each Bel Air regular’s personal barstool are taking a little longer than expected to fabricate. JUST KIDDING! (About the nameplates, not September.)
Next time, see employment recruitment in action because we’re NOW HIRING.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
In November of 2006, we told you all that we would reopen our Bel Air restaurant sometime in 2007. In the Spring of 2007, we updated to “hopefully” by the end of Summer. Well, here we are in June of 2007 and we’re proud to announce that we have a target month!
DuClaw Bel Air will most likely re-open in August of 2007. Why “most likely”? Because if we’ve learned anything from the last 9 and ½ months, it’s to not be overly optimistic when it comes to any plan that starts with the phrase “As soon as we hear from (insert organization, company or individual here) we can finish (insert activity here)…”
So, while we keep our fingers crossed for August, here is more documentation of progress in progress…
We've decided to replace all of the bartenders with giant pneumatic beer tubes. Just kidding!

New lighting, new boothes and the corporate offices now hidden behind a big beige wall that, when finished, will sport a Kim Jong Il style vanity portrait of Jim Wagner.

And all of this time you thought that we were winging it...

While we still don't have a definitive date for the grand reopening, at least we've narrowed it down to a specific month*. That's at least a medium sized announcement. Next time, more progress photos and an answer to the age old question, DOES THE CARPET MATCH THE CURTAINS?
Thursday, May 17, 2007
We’ve finally gained some peace of mind and a sense of security about our progress and our prospects thanks to our faith and trust in the man spearheading the reconstruction. Once we were given the green light to proceed, we spared no expense, and searched the globe for the ultimate master builder. Our search ended in a suburb of Detroit, Michigan, where we found a man with unparalleled construction expertise and a world wide reputation. Ladies and gentlemen, may we present our savior…

Just kidding! Our real guys are working quickly to get us open as soon as possible, check out the pics…
The new bar: We know it’s only 3 inches wide, but we thought that we’d try something new. Hmmm, very minimalist.

Adequately supports beverages? CHECK.

The brewing tanks are gone, replaced by a cage-fighting arena where patrons can settle their differences the old fashioned way.

Next time, more new pictures of construction in progress and a MEDIUM SIZED ANNOUNCEMENT.
Monday, April 30, 2007
It seems like an eternity has passed since a small (yet strategically significant) fire closed our Bel Air restaurant, leading many to believe that they had seen the last of DuClaw in Harford county. Rest assured, nothing could be further from the truth!
Reconstruction is FINALLY underway. Don’t believe us? Here is documented proof of life in DuClaw Bel Air…

NO, NOT THAT PROOF OF LIFE, the real deal!
The framework of the new corporate offices. Should we be concerned that they look like cages?

Meaurements/guidelines for the new bar or a DaVinci Code like cipher that reveals the location of the lost DuClaw beer recipes? Either way, good stuff!

Big tools for big jobs. It cuts everything but your cholestrol…

The journey to the grand reopening has begun. We still have not set a firm date, but it’s closer now than ever before. Check back for news as it develops, and next time, more construction photos and a profile of our MASTER BUILDER.
Monday, April 9, 2007
All of us at DuClaw Brewing Company would like to wish a big belated Happy Birthday to an American Icon. He was born March 30th, 1962 in Oakland, CA. From his childhood stint as a batboy (some would say “ratboy” for team owner Charlie Finley) for Major League Baseball’s Oakland A’s, to his current incarnation as a preacher and pitchman for insurance and credit counseling companies, he has reinvented himself numerous in during his prolific 45 year life.
Boy of Summer

And, despite the squandering of a brilliant career and a 30 million dollar fortune, he will always be remembered as a pioneer in the fields of music sampling, pop rap and parachute pants. Today we honor Stanley Kirk Burrell, also known as…
Can't caption this...

MC Hammer.
Sit down. No, really, SIT DOWN. Hammers start swinging in Bel Air 4/16/07. That’s right, we’re days away from having our ear drums explode from the piercing shriek of power tools, inhaling clouds of dirt and toxic sawdust, and having our female employees become the target of incessant wolf whistles.
Is there another attractive woman up there?

We have still not set a date for the grand reopening, but at least there’s a light at the end of the tunnel now. Next time, PROOF OF LIFE in Bel Air.