Monday, April 30, 2007
It seems like an eternity has passed since a small (yet strategically significant) fire closed our Bel Air restaurant, leading many to believe that they had seen the last of DuClaw in Harford county. Rest assured, nothing could be further from the truth!
Reconstruction is FINALLY underway. Don’t believe us? Here is documented proof of life in DuClaw Bel Air…

NO, NOT THAT PROOF OF LIFE, the real deal!
The framework of the new corporate offices. Should we be concerned that they look like cages?

Meaurements/guidelines for the new bar or a DaVinci Code like cipher that reveals the location of the lost DuClaw beer recipes? Either way, good stuff!

Big tools for big jobs. It cuts everything but your cholestrol…

The journey to the grand reopening has begun. We still have not set a firm date, but it’s closer now than ever before. Check back for news as it develops, and next time, more construction photos and a profile of our MASTER BUILDER.
Monday, April 9, 2007
All of us at DuClaw Brewing Company would like to wish a big belated Happy Birthday to an American Icon. He was born March 30th, 1962 in Oakland, CA. From his childhood stint as a batboy (some would say “ratboy” for team owner Charlie Finley) for Major League Baseball’s Oakland A’s, to his current incarnation as a preacher and pitchman for insurance and credit counseling companies, he has reinvented himself numerous in during his prolific 45 year life.
Boy of Summer

And, despite the squandering of a brilliant career and a 30 million dollar fortune, he will always be remembered as a pioneer in the fields of music sampling, pop rap and parachute pants. Today we honor Stanley Kirk Burrell, also known as…
Can't caption this...

MC Hammer.
Sit down. No, really, SIT DOWN. Hammers start swinging in Bel Air 4/16/07. That’s right, we’re days away from having our ear drums explode from the piercing shriek of power tools, inhaling clouds of dirt and toxic sawdust, and having our female employees become the target of incessant wolf whistles.
Is there another attractive woman up there?

We have still not set a date for the grand reopening, but at least there’s a light at the end of the tunnel now. Next time, PROOF OF LIFE in Bel Air.