Tuesday, February 27, 2007
When DuClaw Brewing Company Bel Air was left uninhabitable by fire, smoke and water damage, more people than just our loyal regulars found themselves displaced…
16-A Bel Air South Parkway is not only home to the Pint Club members and DuClaw patrons of Harford County, but also the DuClaw Brewing Company Corporate staff. Marketing, Finance, Creative and IT were all housed in the upper level of the restaurant, leaving us (the corporate staff) not only beerless and foodless like the rest of you, but homeless as well. Without our humble offices, we had to act quickly and secure some sort of makeshift command center from which we could spearhead the rebuilding of Bel Air. The solution was obvious…

… but by no means tornado proof. On an average day, six people work in this tiny structure, but that total can climb to as high as twelve. Twelve weary, beerless, foodless people packed into a single wide wood and aluminum death tube, trying to re-open a restaurant before mother nature decides to smite our mobile base of operations with a freak category six hurricane. Don’t pity us too much, though, it’s a lot roomier on the inside than it looks from the outside…

So, for now, we’re stuck here; still without a reopening date, but optimistic that good news is coming soon. Next time, another progress update and reports of sightings of a creature as rare as “BIGFOOT”.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
If you’re reading this, then you’re frustrated with the lack of progress in the rebuilding of DuClaw Bel Air. Believe us when we say, so are we! It has been almost seven months since a small fire destroyed a small corner of our bar and the sprinkler system killed the fire. And the rest of the bar. And the dining room. And, for health code purposes, all of our corporate offices as well.
The Bel Air dining room/brewery/bar area 
So, here we are. Seven months have gone by and all we have so far is a gutted building and big plans. A new bar. A new dining room. Basically, a whole new establishment. And that, loyal DuClaw patrons, is the cause of our frustration.
The opening of “a whole new establishment” requires new architectural drawings, new government permits/approvals and a check from our insurance company (an entire industry not known for having a great sense of urgency when it comes to paying a claim). We’re discovering that the wheels of progress turn very slowly, and hence, the aforementioned frustration.
For some reason, these plans were rejected...

So, to sum up, we still don’t have a definitive date for the grand reopening, but the plans are made and as soon as we’re allowed to pull the trigger on construction, it won’t be long before the best beer in Maryland is flowing from taps in Bel Air once more. Hang in there with us a little longer, we’re doing everything that we can to get our first born back on it’s feet again as soon as possible. Cheers!
Next update on our progress will include a look at the DuClaw Brewing Company “TRAILER PARK”.